Magdalene Ministry serving and supporting communities in Kent and Medway.

We working with local stakeholders to tackle the issues of food poverty, food wastage, loneliness and Isolation.

We are connecting communities to help eradicate poverty and build community power that’s is equally diverse and inclusive.



Our Values

Magdalene has a Christian ethos which welcomes people of all faiths and none.

We believe God loves every one of us and we recognise the unique values of each individual we encounter.

We will explore faith if anyone expresses they need a specific need in this area and there is always someone available who would be happy to talk and pray through these areas.

Magdalene actively works to develop and nurture engagement and build relationships with members and volunteers

Magdalene is a value driven ministry and charity seeking to make a real difference to the lives of individuals we support. We demonstrate this through our values:

  • Unconditional love.
  • Non-judgemental approach.
  • Compassion.
  • Belief that change is possible for all.
  • Facilitating and respecting members’ choices to both empower and release individual potential.
  • Demonstrate social impact and be ‘change makers’ to meet the needs of people excluded from their faith.

Offering a range of high quality services and actively seeking to work in partnership

Our Aims

  • To offer non-judgemental support to help members manage their everyday lives.
  • To provide ongoing individual support to enable members to make informed decisions around social exclusion.
  • To ensure the wider community are better educated and informed about the underlying issues in relation to single parenting.
  • To work towards prevention of exploitative relationships of both adults and young.

Our Objectives

  • To provide a drop-in service that offers a safe and positive place that seeks to engage and build relationships with the members in order to help them manage their everyday lives
  • To provide advocacy for the members within a range of health, social care, education, criminal justice for the abused & wider community.
  • To provide a range of prevention and support services to members at risk of exploitation.
  • To reach out and engage with members living in isolation or at risk or sexual exploitation and develop innovative ways of making contact in an endlessly adapting environment.
  • To develop a befriending scheme that is responsive to the individual needs of the clients.
  • By forming and maintaining good partnerships working with other voluntary and like minded ministries or agencies to ensure holistic packages of care and support.